June 22, 23 & 24th: Nederland, Colorado
(West of Boulder in the mountains).
We are in Clear Creek City Park N39° 45.197' W105°
13.193' Golden, Colorado.
The campground is located on the south side of 10th street at the
end of the road. Clear Creek City Campground is one of the nicest
(location wise) campgrounds you can stay in (our opinion). located
on Clear Creek 3-blocks from downtown Golden. They have paved interior
roads with small backin sites (mature trees are so wonderful); 50-amps,
water and sewer, $28.91 per-night 303-278-1437. There is a 2-week
max stay before you have to leave the park and they do not take reservations.
One day we visited the small town of Nederland, Colorado.
It is located west of Boulder.
Columbine bloom in Nederland, Colorado

After she tired of Pearl Street Mall Joyce guided us
to Nederland, Colorado
(20-miles west of Boulder)
where an art festival was in full swing.
These columbine were growing along one of the walkways.
Ice cream girl at Nederland, Colorado
Art Festival

This little girl was sitting in front of us as we enjoyed
a group performing live music at the art festival. To say she was
enjoying that ice-cream is an understatement.
Fossil shrimp

These fossil shrimp and sharks teeth are on sale in
a rock shop in Nederland.
Fossil Sharks Teeth

We saw this rock and the sharks teeth for sale in a
rock shop in Nederland, Colorado.
Jaw bone with teeth of some extinct meat eater

This jaw bone of some large extinct meat eater is also
on sale in that rock shop.
Here are some other Travel Adventures in this area that
may interest you:
Colorado -- Kayaking
Clear Creek in Golden, Colorado -- Golden
Farmer's Market --
Gliding on Lookout Mountain -- Buffalo
Bill's Grave on Lookout Mountain -- Nature
Center on Lookout Mountain
Colorado and Bear Creek scenic drive -- Dinosaur
Ridge near Morrison, Colorado
City & Black Hawk, Colorado -- Mountain
Goats of Mount Evans -- Clear
Creek Canyon Scenic Drive
Oh-My-God Road from Central City to Idaho Springs -- Boulder
Canyon Scenic Drive -- Golden,
Colorado -- Kayaking
fun in Clear Creek Golden, Colorado -- Mount
Evans Scenic Drive -- Lookout
Lake on Mount Evans
Until next time remember how good life is.
We hope you liked this page. If you do you might be interested in
some of our other Travel Adventures:
We would love to hear from you......just put "info" in
the place of "FAKE" in this address: FAKE@travellogs.us
Until next time remember how good life is.