After a short drive west on I-70 we exited on highway 74 toward
Bear Creek Road Evergreen, Colorado

Evergreen has a special place in our hearts. Twenty-eight years ago
we accompanied a group of high school students on several church ski
trips to Singing River Ranch which at that time was a Christian Camp.
We used Singing River Ranch for our living and dining quarters then
boarded busses for our daily ride to Loveland Ski Basin west of here
on the Continental Divide.
Deer resting in the shade

Not much has changed down CR-74 Bear Creek Road. Deer and elk still
graze in the meadows. And if you look closely you can see deer bedded
down in the shade.
Magnificent mountains views from Bear Creek Road

The valley along Bear Creek Road is covered with beautiful pastures
and magnificent second homes for the rich and famous.
View from Bear Creek Road Evergreen, Colorado

Bear Creek Road follows a lush valley with magnificent mountains
visible at the end of the valley.
Evergreen, Colorado
business district

Back in Evergreen things are hopping on this Saturday afternoon.

The Little
Bear Saloon in downtown Evergreen was especially hopping as
were several other establishments.
East of Evergreen Bear Creek road enters a dryer environment and
the geology changes.
Beautiful geology along the Bear Creek Scenic Drive

From Evergreen we followed Bear Creek to Kittredge and Idledale through
a canyon cut by Bear Creek. By the time we near Morrison we began
to see red sandstone formations pushed to the surface during the uplift
that created the Rocky Mountains.
Red sandstone appears as we near Morrison, Colorado

These red rocks are hard sandstone deposited during the Pennsylvanian
(325 to 280 million years ago) and Permian (280 to 240 million years
ago) periods. We do not often see Pennsylvanian and or Permian formations
because they are generally covered with 240 million years of sedimentary
deposits. It is only in these rare places where extreme uplift has
occurred that these formations are pushed to the surface.
We continue this Travel Adventure in Dinosaur
Ridge you will not want to miss that if you are interested
in geology and dinosaur tracks.
Here are some other Travel Adventures in this area that may interest
Colorado -- Kayaking
Clear Creek in Golden, Colorado -- Golden
Farmer's Market --
Gliding on Lookout Mountain -- Buffalo
Bill's Grave on Lookout Mountain -- Nature
Center on Lookout Mountain
Colorado and Bear Creek scenic drive -- Dinosaur
Ridge near Morrison, Colorado
City & Black Hawk, Colorado -- Mountain
Goats of Mount Evans -- Clear
Creek Canyon Scenic Drive
Oh-My-God Road from Central City to Idaho Springs -- Boulder
Canyon Scenic Drive -- Golden,
Colorado -- Kayaking
fun in Clear Creek Golden, Colorado -- Mount
Evans Scenic Drive -- Lookout
Lake on Mount Evans