The Gros
Ventre River (pronounced 'grow-vont') flows from it's headwaters
in the Gros
Ventre Mountain Range which forms much of the eastern boundary
of Jackson
Hole. It is a beautiful, largely undeveloped region with abundant
wildlife. The river itself is a swift medium-sized stream.

A working ranch reborn as an isolated retreat deep in the Gros
Ventre River Valley, the Goosewing
marks the entry point to a protected, pristine wilderness.
Goosewing Ranch
is located at 7,400 feet, and is host to some of North America's most
spectacular game: deer, elk, moose, antelope, bear, eagles, geese,
cranes, and much more, not to mention fantastic scenery. The Gros
Ventre River, home to native cutthroat trout, runs through
the meadows of this historic ranch. The Goosewing
Ranch's remote location allows for excellent horseback riding
and fly fishing.

Ventre River high in the Gros
Ventre Range east of Jackson.

This is a wide spot in the Gros
Ventre River high in the mountains east of Grand
Teton National Park.
This valley along the Gros
Ventre River is located high in the Gros
Ventre Mountains east of Grand
Teton National Park.

Looking west from high in the Bridger-Teton National Forest east
of Grand
Teton National Park.
We are high in the Gros
Ventre Mountains east of Jackson,
Wyoming taking a peak at the Grand
Tetons down the Gros Ventre River Valley.

The views are stunning along the Gros
Ventre Road at altitude in the Gros
Ventre Mountains east of the Grand Teton Valley.

Hundreds of thousands of people visit Jackson
Hole and Grand
Teton National Park area every year, yet only a fraction of
them ever venture into the the Gros
Ventre Wilderness east of the Teton Valley.
Until next time remember how good life is.
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