is a really nice size tarpon
probably in the 90 pound to possibly over 100 pounds. The other tarpon
in this picture are a bit smaller but still in the 80-pound range.
We always
like to look for these large
tarpon as we walk along Harbor
Walk in Key
West Bight Marina.

docks seem to be everywhere in Key
West. This one in Key
West Bight Marina is one of the larger dinghy
docks in town.
like these are used by individuals to get to and from their anchored homes. Key
West is a high cost area to live so many folks just live in boats anchored
in sheltered areas around Key West
and use a dinghy
like the ones you see here to get to and from work.

is virtually nonexistent in Key
West. Sure there is some for motel/hotel customers but when those folks
leave the hotel in their automobiles there is no where for them to park. Thus
tourist as well as locals use bicycles and motor scooters for transportation.
Sights like this with a raft of bicycles and motor scooters is common throughout
Key West.
In this
particular area the bicycles and motor scooters are probably owned by individuals
working jobs at Key
West Bight Marina, either on the myriad boats or in the restaurants and

The beautiful
yacht Silver Moon was docked in Key
West Bight for the winter.