Key West Mullet

Key West Mullet

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Key West Mullet

Huge mullet cruising Key West Harbor Marina

Huge mullet cruising Key West Harbor Marina




I could not believe the size of these mullet. But they were indeed mullet. These are striped mullet, flathead mullet or black mullet depending on where you are from. They actually have around a dozen other names around the world.


Huge mullet cruising Key West Harbor Marina

Huge mullet cruising Key West Harbor Marina

Black mullet or striped mullet range worldwide in coastal tropical and subtropical waters.

These mullet are a favorite food fish along the panhandle of Florida in towns like Panama City, Pensacola, Destin and Apalachicola.


Mullet cruising Key West Harbor Marina

Mullet cruising Key West Harbor Marina




Seeing these mullet like this makes me what to throw a cast net over them. That is how we catch mullet back home in the Panhandle of Florida.

Black mullet are coastal species that often enter estuaries and rivers.

Mullet feed on zooplankton and algae.

Mullet are unique in that they are euryhaline meaning that the fish can acclimate to different levels of salinity. At certain times of the year you can catch them in rivers.




Mullet cruising Key West Harbor Marina

Mullet cruising Key West Harbor Marina



On the coast of Northwest Florida and Alabama the striped or black mullet, is a specialty in seafood restaurants. Fried mullet is the item of choice, but smoked, baked, and canned mullet can also be found. Fishermen catch mullet in a castnet.

Mullet is a sought after fish in this area and is most and is consumed in the home and at huge community fish fries.

Mullet in the Florida Panhandle are filleted, then generally soaked in milk for an hour or so before being dredged with corn meal and fried.

Mullet are "oily" fish thus need to be eaten fresh. Because of the oil in a mullet they have to be eaten within a very few days. The taste will change as the oil ages. Fresh mullet is a delicacy....mullet that is a few days old, even if kept on ice will begin to taste "fishy".


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