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Wheat MontanaMontana: Wheat Montana, a bakery, specialty wheat sales, gas station and restaurant all located on the northwest corner of exit 274 on I-90 or about 4-miles west of Three Forks, Montana July 30, 2007. We stayed in Cameron RV-Park & Store in Cameron, Montana. Cameron is a STORE located 10-miles south of Ennis in the Madison Valley. The Cameron RV-Park is about 12 sites located behind the Store & Saloon (the social gathering place for miles around). The PPA campground is nothing fancy but for the PPA price of $12.50 for FHU it is just fine. The view over the Madison Valley and mountains surrounding Virginia City is worth the $12.50.
On our way to points south we stopped in Wheat Montana at the intersection of US 287 and I-90 about 4-miles west of Three Forks, Montana. If that isn't close enough try the northwest corner of exit 274 on I-90. Wheat Montana isn't a town or city it is a gas station, bakery, restaurant and specialty wheat supply store that is famous in these parts. We stopped here for several reasons: First we plan to visit the town of Three Forks, and Headwaters of the Missouri River State Park located near Three Forks and second to accomplish this we needed a place to drop our motorhome so we could take our "little red Saturn" in to visit these places. While there we toured the store and bakery as suggested by a virtual friend, Jim Godward, who lives in Belgrade a small community west of Bozeman. It is amazing the information friends can give you if you will just listen. Much thanks to Jim for telling us about this place.
We started our day in Helena moving our motorhome from Helena to Ennis on US 287. Wheat Montana and Three Forks just happens to be on the way. As we are traveling south on US 287 and still about 20-miles north of I-90 we left the well irrigated Prickly Pear Valley and emerged on a dry plateau that was covered with wheat fields. Harvesting Montana Wheat
The wheat harvest is in full swing at this time.
Notice the color of this wheat. It is a darker almost red color.
Wheat field on US 287 north of I-90 and the Wheat Montana Bakery & Delli
This wheat is much lighter in color. It may be what they call white wheat.
Resting wheat field on US 287 north of I-90 and the Wheat Montana Bakery & Delli
This area is dry farming (no irrigation) and they let the land rest for one or two years between planting in order for the ground to replenish its water supply and nutrients. This land is "resting".
Wheat fields on US 287 north of I-90 and the Wheat Montana Bakery & Delli
Two different kinds of wheat can be seen here or possibly one is barley since both are grown in this area.
Wheat fields on US 287 north of I-90 and the Wheat Montana Bakery & Delli
This is a wheat field and fields that are "resting". There is no irrigation here so farmers must let the ground rest in order to absorb enough moisture for another successful crop.
Resting wheat field on US 287 north of I-90 and the Wheat Montana Bakery & Delli
Nearest us is a strip of land that is resting with a field of wheat that is being harvested in the background. Look closely at the dust on the left side of this picture, it was from a harvester.
Wheat Montana Bakery near Three Forks, Montana
At the intersection of I-90 we stopped at "Wheat Montana" a bakery, specialty wheat distribution outlet, restaurant and gas station.
We can vouch for the fact that these goodies are every bit as good as they look. Our friend Jim tells me that everyone traveling I-90 stops at Wheat Montana to indulge themselves in a sandwich from the restaurant and goodies from the bakery.
Wheat Montana Farms, Bakery, Delly and Truck stop near Three Forks, Montana
I wanted the sign to come out better than it did but it wasn't to be.
This is the Wheat Montana building housing the restaurant, bakery, and specialty wheat sales. The huge truck plaza is to the right of this picture. We were able to drop our motorhome there while we took our Saturn tow car and visited Headwaters of the Missouri River State Park and the small town of Three Forks, Montana about 4-miles east of here. If you are in this area make sure that you visit Headwaters of the Missouri River State Park. The Headwaters of the Missouri River State Park is a place with national signifigance. It was a major spot in Lewis & Clark's expedition as well as a major meeting place for Native Americans, new settlers and travelers. Wheat Montana processing & packaging building near Three Forks, Montant
This is the facility where all the specialty wheat is processed and packaged.
Wheat Montana Farms Specialty Grain Price List
Wheat Montana Farms, Bakery, Delly and Truck stop near Three Forks, Montana
You can purchase specialty wheat in 50# bags for those of you that like to bake. Feel free to invite us if you need a 50# bag of this specialty flour.
Wheat Montana Farms, Bakery, Delly and Truck stop near Three Forks, Montana
I wonder if they sell this to bakeries around the country.
Wheat Montana Farms, Bakery, Delly and Truck stop near Three Forks, Montana
They have 5# bags of all kinds of wheat on display and for sale. I had no idea there were so many kinds and types.
Wheat Montana Farms, Bakery, Delly and Truck stop near Three Forks, Montana
Kamut? Never heard of it! I am not the only one Webster doesn't know about kamut either. Google had this information: "The common name of the ancient wheat marketed under the KAMUT® brand is khorasan. It is an ancient relative of modern durum wheat, originating in the Fertile Crescent region reaching from Mesopotamia to Egypt." Now you know more than Webster. VBG
Wheat Montana Farms, Bakery, Delly and Truck stop near Three Forks, Montana
I have to wonder if this red winter wheat is the dark colored wheat we see being harvested now.
Wheat Montana Farms, Bakery, Delly and Truck stop near Three Forks, Montana
They obviously sell more than wheat since flax is not a type of wheat, or at least I do not think it is.
Wheat Montana Farms, Bakery, Delly and Truck stop near Three Forks, Montana
Cracked wheat! I suppose cracked wheat is wheat where the kernel has been cracked but not ground into flour. What is cracked wheat used for? Google had this to say: "Cracked wheat is a wheat product made from whole raw wheat kernels which are crushed or cut into smaller pieces."
Use Wheat Montana's web site to order specialty wheat. If you are looking for specialty wheat Wheat Montana would be the place to contact. Also if you are passing through I-90 west of Bozeman look for Wheat Montana, it is a good place to stop for fuel and food.
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Mike & Joyce HendrixMike & Joyce Hendrix who we are We hope you liked this page. If you do you might be interested in some of our other Travel Adventures: Mike & Joyce Hendrix's home page Travel Adventures by Year ** Travel Adventures by State ** Plants ** Marine-Boats ** Geology ** Exciting Drives ** Cute Signs ** RV Subjects ** Miscellaneous Subjects
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