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Dubois, Wyoming Geology
Brick red sedimentary rocks exposed south of Dubois, Wyoming along US-26
We have seen brick red sedimentary rock exposed in Red Canyon south of Lander, Wyoming in the Chugwater formation. The most noticeable feature is the brick-red color, caused by oxidation of iron minerals in the rock. This color is periodically interrupted by streaks of reduced iron, which is a light bluish-gray shade. Near the top of the Chugwater formation is a thick layer of gypsum. The entire Chugwater formation is interrupted by gypsum veins as well as having a disrupted texture because of the precipitation of gypsum crystals after deposition of the rock. The Chugwater
consists mainly of siltstone or very fine-grained sandstone.
Lavender sedimentary rocks exposed south of Dubois, Wyoming on US-26
When driving Gros Ventre River Road on the other side of the Wind River Range we see this same lavender exposure of shale and mudstone laying on top of the brick red Chugwater formation. What this tells geologist is that these shales and mudstones were deposited after the Chugwater deposits were made.
Ranch abutting magnificent exposure of sedimentary rocks
Is this a beautiful setting for a ranch or what. I bet that ranch house has a magnificent picture window in back framing that stupendous view.
Irrigated ranch land and beautiful exposure of sedimentary rock south of Dubois on US-26
Beautiful green ranch and farm land between US-26 and the Wind River and that awesome exposure of sedimentary rock.
Geology of central Wyoming exposed south of Dubois on US-26
This view of central Wyoming is consistent with scenery when not following one of Wyoming's many rivers. The countryside is marked by mesas, buttes, hills and valleys. Snowmelt along the continental divide provides water in the rivers that swell during spring runoff then dwindle as the snowmelt dissipates. Many raging creeks during the spring flood completely disappear and turn into arroyos.
Uplift tilted sedimentary rock formation south of Dubois on US-26
The tilt on this layer of sedimentary rock shows the tremendous forces involved when the Wind River Range was uplifted. The tectonic forces that pushed the western end of this slab of sedimentary rock skyward are the same forces that created the Wind River Range.
More Wyoming AdventuresPlants Trees and Flowers ** More 2011 Travel Adventures
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