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Nashville Landmarks
May 26, 27 & 28, 2008 We are staying in Two Rivers Campground near Opry Land in northeast Nashville over the Memorial Day weekend. Two Rivers is the private campground we recommend for anyone visiting Nashville. It ain't cheap $31 but it is $21 cheaper than the next best campground. The $31 is for water & 30-amps. Full-hookup and 50-amps are a bit more. But, and it is a big BUT the Yogi Bear next door starts at $51 and goes up while the KOA a block away starts somewhere above that and the sky is the limit. In Nashville you are paying for LOCATION and Two Rivers Campground has LOCATION. Besides that they sponsor good entertainment in the park several times a week. The week we were there we listened to Hot Damn a group out of South Florida, Paul Hill a Nashville Musician and Mel McDaniel on Memorial Day. And all this entertainment was provided FREE. We like to stay in COE Campgrounds or National Park Campgrounds but look for 1/2 price PPA Campgrounds when they are available.
Music City
These guitars are outside one of the recording studios.
Nashville Diner
Joyce and I spent Tuesday morning driving around the section of Nashville where the recording studios are concentrated. When it was time for lunch we visited the Nashville Diner a rather nondescript diner located on the corner of Broadway and 20th Street. The Nashville Diner is a favorite hangout for stars, producers and such in the recording industry. The food is nothing to write home about (New York Deli stuff) --- including lox for breakfast.
We didn't recognize anyone but two smarmy looking guys occupied the booth next to us and they were deeply involved in the music business -- probably on the promotion side. Their conversation was a hoot. Both were trying to out BS the other one with who they had eaten with or vacationed, hunted, fished etc., with. During their entire conversation the words to an original country song we have been enjoying kept reverberating in my mind --- This sassy little girl is responding to a young fellow that is trying to impress her ----- "I am a farm girl and I know BULL when I here it". It was so funny. I wasn't raised on a farm but I also know bull when I hear it and the booth next to us needed cleaning. Upon exiting the restaurant we happen to look up and a neon sign above that table was flashing "unctuous" -- not really, that must have just been one of those little things that flash in my mind. VBG
Joyce in Charlie Daniel's Museum and gift shop
Back downtown we walked down 2nd Street past Coyote Ugly, B. B. King's and the Wild Horse Saloon before stopping in Charlie Daniel's Museum and gift shop.
Joyce is posing with Charlie Daniels in the Charlie Daniel's Museum on 2nd Street in Nashville, a few doors south of the Wild Horse Saloon.
Mike in Charlie Daniel's Museum and gift shop
Not to be outdone I climbed up in the chair where Charlie will be signing memorabilia on June 4th about a week from now. I had my pen ready but no one stopped by for my signature. That is the story of my life. VBG
Joyce posing at The Stage on Broadway honky tonk
Joyce posing on the stairs in "The Stage on Broadway" one of our favorite Honky Tonks.
Joyce posing at The Stage on Broadway honky tonk
Joyce posing again. This time under another large guitar in "The Stage on Broadway".
Famous mural at The Stage on Broadway honky tonk in Nashville
This mural covered one wall of "The Stage on Broadway."
The famous Ryman Auditorium
The Ryman Auditorium is located on 4th Street just north of Broadway. We pass it every day going to the honky tonks on Broadway and again on our way back to the parking garage. This is the first time nothing has been going on and a crowd not milling around outside.
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Until next time remember how good life is.
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