Fairfield, Idaho & Goodale's Cut-Off
field near Fairfield, Idaho

While in this area we had to venture in to the "interior"
of Idaho. By interior I mean
away from the Snake
River. We are camped in Glenn's
Ferry and want to visit Sun
Valley. The only way for us to reasonably do that is to take
a day trip in the Saturn up to Ketchum
& Sun Valley through
Haley. The ride from our campground took us through Gooding
and Shoshone
then Hailey.
Between Shoshone and Haley we drove through a really rugged lava
field. As you can see the road had to be cut through this lava
field. It is really nasty stuff.
We show you Sun Valley and
Ketchum in
other Travelogues: Sun Valley
& Ketchum
This adventure is going to concentrate on the places we passed through
on our way too and from Sun Valley
& Ketchum.
Goodale's Cut-Off

Cut-Off followed US-20 where we were traveling. To me this
was a much better route than the Oregon
Trail Route along the south side of the Snake
River. While there is some lava
rock there is not nearly as much as on the south side of the Snake
River. There is even some green grass along this route.
Idaho Mountains north of Fairfield,

Joyce took this picture as we neared Fairfield
on US-20 looking to the northwest.
Idaho Mountains
north of Fairfield, Idaho

At Fairfield
we turned south on SR 46 and climbed out of the valley we had been
following. Near the crest, as we climbed out of the valley we stopped
in an overlook where Joyce took these pictures looking to the North.
Those mountains with snow on them are around Sun
Valley and Ketchum.
SR-46 looking north toward Fairfield, Idaho

That is SR-46 looking north toward Fairfield, Idaho.
Locust on highway south of Fairfield, Idaho

After we left the overlook we ran through an area where locust were
crossing the highway. I can see where "grasshoppers" in
this quantity could cause widespread crop damage.
June 9, 2007.
We are staying at Three
Island Crossing State Park located in the town of Glynn's
Ferry. $4 entry fee plus $21 for RV site with water &
elect. Very nice campground and it is full. Mature trees with good
shade and green grass. If by chance the campground at Three
Island Crossing is full there is a nice campground at a winery
located at the front gate to the State Park. They were $20 for FHU
and they had shade. Point being----they would be a good alternative
and some would like it better than the state park since is was $1
cheaper and it had FHU.
Until next time remember how good life is.
Mike & Joyce Hendrix

& Joyce Hendrix who we are
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Until next time remember how good life is.