Places Visited: Wyoming: The scenic Teton National Park
30 through August 5, 2006: Colter Bay Village Campground in Teton National Park
near Moran, Wyoming: N43° 54.659' W110° 38.526' $15.00 NO hookups with
paved interior roads and gravel spots. Nice, clean park and you really do not
need hookups in the summer.
August 5, through August 12, Gros Ventre Campground
in Teton National Park near Jackson, Wyoming: N43° 36.979' W110° 40.000'
$15.00 NO hookups with paved interior roads and gravel spots. Nice, clean park
and you really do not need hookups in the summer.
We moved the motorhome
from Jackson Hole to Colter Bay Village in the northern part of Teton National
Park. That entire drive was through Teton National Park Valley, with the mighty
Tetons providing a backdrop on our western flank. A more scenic drive is hard
to find. Eight days later we retraced our path and moved the motorhome south to
Gros Ventre Campground just north of Jackson where we spent another week.

in the Tetons you are almost always going to be able to see magnificent mountains
to the west.

those mountains are reflected in a pond or fast moving stream.

other times you might catch a quiet moment near a beaver pond.

are many lakes and coves that catch appealing reflections at certain times of
the day.

present themselves on many of the lakes. Scattered islands beckon the adventurous.

formations interacting with the majestic mountains are another source of wonder.

there is this old barn that is in so many pictures you see of the Tetons. When
you see that barn in a picture or photograph with those unmistakable mountains
in the background you know the artist was sitting on Mormon Row in the Tetons.

seem to constantly be on the move. They are fun to watch and photograph.

the scenery doesn't need a buffalo to make it complete.

then, when an old bull ambles by you are compelled to take one more picture.
next time remember how good life is.
Mike & Joyce Hendrix