Places Visited: Wyoming: Casper, Kaycee, Outlaw Caves, the "Wall"
from Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kit and the "hole in the wall gang",
July 15, 2006: Casper East RV-Park Casper, Wyoming. Casper East
RV-Park is a mom and pop operation without a mom & pop! N42° 51.357' W106°
17.338' $28 for full hookup $4 cheaper for water & 30-amps central sewage.
They feature gravel interior roads & pads: This is NOT a destination campground
by any means however, it certainly looks much better than the Fort Casper RV-Park
which is nothing but a crowded dusty dirt parking lot.

headed north on I-25 today to the small town of Kaycee. While small, and it is
small, it is a wonderful place to visit. Kaycee has a wonderful museum displaying
their history.
Kaycee was and still is a hotbed of sheep ranching. One
of the items on display at the museum was this elaborate sheep herder wagon.

the left is the inside of that sheep herder wagon. To the right is a "chuck"
wagon, or so the sign said.
We ambled around
in that museum for a good while. That is where we found out that Butch Cassidy
and the Sundance Kid and their "Hole in the Wall" gang used to camp
in a cave in "The Wall" near here. The Museum had a map and scenic tour
with the route to the "Hole in the Wall" and the cave the outlaws used.
That was all we needed. Off we went to find where the "Hole in the Wall"
hang used to hideout between bank robberies.

being stored for winter while the farmers to the right are mowing alfalfa. Note
the irrigation system.

hay baler on the right has just dropped a bale.

hay on the left while mowed hay on the right is drying in the sun.

buck in the alfalfa while this family of Canada geese swim in the river.

is the wall behind the ranch.

river follows the wall or shall we say the wall follows the river.

is one beautiful ranch with a beautiful view.

guessed these were wild horses since there were no fences within miles and no
homes/ranches within 5 or 6 miles.
Someone probably owns them but aren't
riding them very often.

wall of red sandstone you see behind the horses is the "wall" as in
Butch Cassidy & the "Hole in the Wall Gang". The hole in the wall
is a place in the wall that the gang could ride a horse through and get out on
top of that plateau. The wall runs for 10 to 20 miles and that "hole"
is the only way out and it wasn't an easy way and certainly wasn't obvious.

wall goes on and on.

I said the wall goes on and on and on.

red sandstone in this wall is Triassic (208 to 245 million years old)

road we were on was not the best. It was dirt/gravel but in decent shape until
we got near the end. Then it got so bad I had to back our Saturn to a place we
could turn around. We never did make it to the outlaw cave or the hole in the

white stuff in this red Triassic Sandstone is a layer of volcanic ash.
the right is a big chunk of conglomerate. I have no idea how it got in the middle
of all this red sandstone.

hill on the left was made of river rock and red sandstone. Somewhere along the
line this particular spot was a river bed.
The sandstone in this wall is
hard as brick.

can see a streak of volcanic ash in this wall of red sandstone.

have no idea what this dome is ----------------- but it is unique.
was an awesome drive. We drove through the valley along the WALL made famous by
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid while having the time of our lives.
next time remember how good life is.
Mike & Joyce Hendrix