RV Electrical Systems

RV Electrical Systems

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RV Electrical Systems

RV electrical systems:

I have prepared a brief overview of electrical issues and systems here: RV electrical information

I am going to refer you to the following web sites that have done an excellent job explaining the subject:

Mark Nemouth's: http://www.ccis.com/home/mnemeth/ from the top
of Mark's home page click on "RV Technical Articles"

Phred "Phrannie's" Tensith's Poop Sheets:

Dave Damouth's site:

From these sites you should get a good handle on voltage (the difference between 120 & 12 volts). Amperage, what it means and how the amount of amperage required to power an appliance varies with voltage (12V or 120V).

You will learn how much "stored power" you can expect from batteries. Once you understand the "Power storing capacity of batteries" then you will be able to understand why an inverter is NOT going to run your air conditioner, blow dryer, toaster, microwave etc., Along the way you will gain an understanding of power requirements necessary for different appliances/lights/gadgets etc.,

In short an inverter connected to 2 good 6-volt golf cart batteries should enable you to watch some TV, run some 120-volt lights if you have them, charge the batteries on your cameras and electric toothbrush etc., An inverter is NOT going to run your big appliances. As for your refrigerator you should be operating it on propane not the inverter.

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