Filling prescriptions on the road

Filling prescriptions while on the road

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Filling prescriptions while on the road

Filling prescriptions while on the road:

Many RV'ers are concerned about how they are going to handle prescription medication refills on the road. It is not hard but you can do some things to make it easier.

First we have our doctor give us an ANNUAL prescription during our annual physical. Not only do we get this annual prescription we have him make it out to be filled in 90-day increments vice monthly. By doing this we only have to deal with each prescription 4 times each year instead of each month. That step alone greatly simplifies the prescription filling process. Next we take those prescriptions to our local pharmacist where they put them on file. This can be any pharmacy you chose, I don't think it much matters. It certainly does NOT have to be a national chain.

From this point on we just give ANY pharmacist in ANY town the empty prescription container and ask for a refill. They contact the last pharmacy to fill the prescription and get the information they need. Switching around has had NO effect that we can tell.

Remember to SIMPLIFY the process before leaving in your motorhome for an extend trip. Have your physician issue an annual prescription with each refill calling for a 90-day supply.

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