Checklist for Breaking Camp - Leaving Campground

Checklist for Breaking Camp or Leaving Campground/RV-Park

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Checklist for Breaking Camp or Leaving Campground/RV-Park

1. Turn on weather radio & listen while working.
You may or may not decide to travel with a weather radio that will warn you of impending inclement weather especially tornadoes.

2. Wash glasses & sun glasses--
You don't want to realize that your glasses are dirty after you start driving.

3. Record your odometer reading or generator hours in a log book-

4. Record the name of the campground, address, phone number or whatever-
Some people keep log books or note books with this information while others do not. While we don't keep this information in a "logbook" I do have this information in my travelogues and find that it is good information when we what that information in the future.

5. Check the level of your tanks-fresh water, gray & black tanks. -
You will not always have to fill the fresh water or dump the black & gray tanks depending on what your plans are. It is always a good idea to know the level of these tanks and a discussion will bring about a decision on whether you need to dump the black or gray tanks or possibly fill the fresh water tank.

6. Assure that your "batwing" TV antenna has been lowered and properly been made ready for travel-
You don't want to traveling with that antenna in the up position, they are expensive to repair or replace.

7. You may want to turn off the TV antenna booster-
Some people do this while others do not. It is your decision. We leave ours on.

8. Assure your glass shower door is closed-
You don't want that glass door swinging open when you moving down the highway.

9. Close the shower & sink (kitchen & bathroom) drain plugs--
Gasses from the black & gray tank may be drawn into the RV if the water in the P-traps happens to bounce out. Remember your plumbing is traveling down the highway not sitting still. The water in those P-traps could & does slosh around and can allow smelly gasses into the RV. If your stuff doesn't stink feel free to forget this item.

10. Start your computer and GPS and bring up your mapping program-
Not everyone travels with a mapping program but those of you who do will want to get these items ready to travel.

11. Verify all cabinet doors are closed--
This isn't something you want to be taking care of while heading down the highway.

12. Verify that everything is stowed for travel in the kitchen, bathroom & living area.

13. Check & assure all the cooking stove knobs are in the off position.
A propane leak from an open valve wouldn't be nice.

14. Assure that all windows are closed------or set for travel. Also check the roof vents and assure they are set for travel.
Sometimes we travel with some windows open. Other times we travel with the air conditioner on. Decide what you are going to do and act accordingly.

15. Adjust blinds for travel.

16. Disconnect your electric power cord from the campground ---- after about 5-minutes check the charge in your house batteries. It is very important that you do this without the power cord being plugged into the campgrounds power because you will be reading the output of the converter/battery charger if you check with the power cord connected. You want to know the charge on the house batteries-------------not whether the converter/battery charger is working.

17. Turn your water heater off, furnace off and make sure that your refrigerator is on Auto.--
Some people turn their refrigerator off (propane operated) when traveling on the highway. Some people turn their water heater off (propane) while traveling. We don't! You will have to decide whether you are going to travel with your appliances on. We do however, turn off our furnace when traveling, again your choice.

18. Check tires on your motorhome & towed vehicle (our Saturn). -
Bang them with a hammer, visually check them, do it with a gauge, whatever makes you comfortable. If you are going to check your tires, and you should, this is the time to do it.

19. Check under your vehicles for fluid leaks (gas, diesel, hydraulic, transmission, antifreeze etc.,) -

20. Stow awnings and empty the trash from the motorhome.

21. Clean windshield.

22. Check & lock all external hatches, check your propane level.

23. Check engine fluids; water, oil, & transmission fluid.

24. Stow hoses (fresh water & 3"sanitary disposal hose)--

25. Disconnect electric cord from campground power and stow electric cord.

26. Crank vehicle (motorhome) & immediately raise leveling jacks.
Don't get caught up with other things and forget to raise those leveling jacks before you put the motorhome in gear and destroy the jacks! Don't do it. This is important.

27. Put the motorhome in gear and pull away from the site.
Once you have moved the motorhome from the site put it in park and walk around the site looking for anything you might have left behind and inspecting the ground for fluids that might have leaked from the motorhome. People leave their leveling boards, hoses, gloves, door mats, buckets, pressure regulators and a variety of other things. It only takes a moment to look around the site. It is something that my wife does while I am driving the motorhome off the site. Since she is outside while I am inside she is also checking to assure that the automatic steps retracted. If there is a problem with the steps they will not retract and it is very hard to check that when you are inside the motorhome. During this time also assure that you are leaving the campsite spotless, as in NO trash.

28. Connect your tow car and check to assure that all the lights are working.
After connecting our Saturn we always check the lights. Once or twice a year we catch a burned out bulb. To do our check Joyce stands behind the Saturn where I can see her in my rearview mirror. When I turn on the left turn signal she will raise her left hand with two fingers extended telling me that BOTH the blinker on the motorhome and Saturn are working. Then we do that with the right turn signal and she raises her right arm and two fingers. Then we check the brakes where she must raise both hands with two fingers extended on both. At this point she gives me thumbs up and heads to the motorhome. The complete check takes place in less than 20-seconds. To make this happen both of us have to understand the hand signals.

Checklist for arriving at or checking into a Campground/RV-Park

Checklist of things you should have in your RV before heading out

Thoughts on Essential Equipment to carry in your RV

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