We are still traveling in the Mesilla Valley but in the area between
Las Cruces and Hatch, New Mexico.
Flooded pecan grove south of Hatch, New Mexico

Pecan orchards in this region are flooded every so often. This one
has just been flooded. It will be flooded again in a week or so when
it dries out. When flooded it probably has about 3-inches of water
on the grove. Groves are laser level in order to accommodate irrigation
by this method.
This field was north of Las Cruces on New Mexico 185 where there
are as many acres of pecans as south of Las Cruces.
Pecan groves in Mesilla Valley south
of Hatch New Mexico

This is another pecan orchard along New Mexico 185 somewhere south
of Hatch.
Rio Grande River south of Hatch, New Mexico

Joyce snapped this picture of the Rio Grande River a bit south of
Hatch. Be aware that the vast majority of the Rio Grande River has
been captured in a reservoir where the water is then dispensed into
myriad irrigation canals. From what I see it appears 90% of the Rio
Grande is diverted into irrigation while possibly 10% continues to
flow in the old river bed.
Border Patrol check point south of
Hatch, New Mexico

South of Hatch we ran across a Border Patrol Station. It involved
us detouring around that building where we were briefly questioned
(15-seconds) by a Border Patrol agent then we were on our way.
Border patrol check point south of Hatch, New Mexico

Hatch, New Mexico is famous for chili

Joyce snapped this picture of a Hatch pepper store. The strings of
red peppers are called ristras. Hatch is the chili pepper capital
of the world or some such. Whatever they grow a lot of peppers in
this area. Pepper connoisseurs consider Hatch
chili peppers to be the best.
I-25 south of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
We finally got on I-25 at MM-59 a bit south of Truth or Consequences.
On I-25, as on most interstates, the scenery is less than appealing.
Along this stretch of I-25 there is a lot of up and down.
White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico

Joyce snapped this picture looking east from I-25 across White Sands
Missile Range somewhere near San Antonio. Carrizozo is somewhere at
the base of those mountains on the eastern side of White Sands Missile
Range while Ruidoso, and Capitan are in those mountains, in the distance.
We stopped for the night in Socorro at Casey's RV-Park $22.76 for
water and 30-amps with central dump station. It is nothing great but
adequate. We could have dry camped in Wal-Mart but the weather was
hot and severe weather was forecast for the afternoon and evening
hours. We thought that we might be safer if we could take advantage
of the campgrounds concrete block shower & bath rooms in case
of a tornado. Electricity to run the air conditioner was also welcome
so we pulled into Casey's.
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Until next time remember how good life is.