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Hi-Country Trading Post Lincoln, MontanaDriving from Helena to Lincoln via SR 279 and SR 200. July 28, 2007. We are staying in Lincoln Road RV-Park Helena, MT less than a mile west of I-15 at exit 200. Lincoln Road RV-Park is about 10-miles north of downtown Helena but in a very good position to access everything in the area. $25.04 with Good Sam discount plus-taxes for FHU in nice gravel pull thru sites with some shade. Free wifi was available but no cable TV.
Following Lewis & Clark
We are headed west today to cross over the Continental Divide near where Lewis and some of his men crossed on their return trip across the continent in 1806. We were heading west on Lincoln Road (SR 279) when Joyce took this picture. Irrigated land is producing hay and I think wheat in this picture. The wheat would be that lighter colored field in the distance.
Old Montana Barn
The valley we were following was loaded with pastoral scenes like this one.
Canyon Creek on Montana SR 279 east of the Continental Divide
Follow SR 279 west toward the Continental Divide and Lincoln and you will have a good idea where we are. Canyon Creek is east of the Continental Divide.
Deer on Montana SR 279 at Flesher Pass near Continental Divide
Even in the middle of the day we are able to spot wildlife like this deer making his way down the roadcut.
We are on SR 279, also known as Flesher Pass road, as we climb to the Continental Divide at Flesher Pass.
In early July of 1806 guides showed Captain Meriwether Lewis an ancient travel route the called the "river of the road to the buffalo." This road has been used for generations by the Native American Indians to hunt buffalo east of the Continental Divide. Lewis wrote in his journal, the guides " alleged that as the road was a well beaten track we could not now miss our way." The trail ran along the Blackfoot River as it passed by present day Lincoln. Remnants of this ancient "road" can still be seen along the Blackfoot River near Lincoln.
On July, 1806 Lewis and his nine men camped on Beaver Creek near here. Lewis described Lincoln as a "beautiful plain on the border of which we passed the remains of 32 old lodges. By lodges he was referring to old Indian structures. Just a few miles to the northeast Lewis and his party crossed the Continental Divide over what is today's Lewis & Clark Pass (northeast of Lincoln on SR 200). From the pass they could see "fort mountain" -- now called Square Butte, 20-miles to the northeast. Upon crossing the Continental Divide they were once again back in United States Territory. Remember as the Corps of Discovery left St Louis in 1804 the United States had just completed the "Louisiana Purchase" thus everything east of the Continental Divide (at least in this area) became United States Property.
Joyce Hendrix outside Hi-Country Trading Post
This is Joyce posing for me in front of the Hi-Country Trading Post (one of those "must-do" tourist spots) located 2-miles west of Lincoln on SR-200. Hi-Country is noted for beef and elk jerky. RV'ers are attracted to it because they allow overnighting in their huge parking lot.
Of course if you prefer you can dry-camp in the Lincoln City Park for $10 a night---your choice. We saw several adequate commercial RV-Parks in Lincoln plus the Lincoln City Park had hookup sites as well as the dry camping sites but I do not recall a price for the sites with electricity.
Hi-Country Trading Post is located next to the facility where they produce their line of meat snacks. In addition to their meat products their store has an extensive collection of great "Made in Montana" products like jams and jellies. A real Montana Tourist Trap but worth visiting to say you have "been there done that". The Trading Post is also used to display a variety trophy big game mounts. If you want to order some of their jerky products you might try www.hicountry.com
Caribou mount in Hi-Country Trading Post Lincoln, Montana
When we were in Canada a few weeks ago we saw a small herd of caribou but were not sure what they were. Several locals told us they were elk but --------- well, I might have a southern accent but I didn't fall off the turnip truck last night. What we saw were caribou. At that time I did not know caribou ranged that far south but here they have Montana caribou mounted and on display. This is the animal we saw and they range down into Montana.
Some of the Lewis and Clark expedition passed near Lincoln in the summer of 1806. The expedition was on their way back east from the Pacific Ocean. On July 3, they divided forces at Traveler's Rest (on the Montana-Idaho border) to explore more territory (than if they stayed together) before reuniting on the Missouri River at the confluence of the Yellowstone River and returning home together. Clark and his group of men headed overland for the Yellowstone River where they constructed canoes to ride home in. Lewis, with another group chose a shortcut to the plains described to him by their Nez Perce guides, who would ride only a little beyond the junction of the Bitterroot and Clark Fork River and predicted trouble with the Blackfeet Indians. From July 3-7, 1806, Lewis with nine men and his dog Seaman, followed a well worn trail known as "River of the Road to the Buffalo." This trail led them up the Blackfoot River and quickly across the Continental Divide to the Missouri River. When crossing the Continental Divide Lewis observed "high broken mountains," destined to become the Bob Marshall Wilderness.
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